Another update concerning the new offices

Another week, another update. We discuss our upcoming office space and show you the floor plan of the property. We also cover some of its history.

Another update concerning the new offices

Another week, another update. Things are moving forward on the office front. This morning, we met with the landlord and discussed the floor plan and how it should all come together into something cohesive that will work for us and a business where the main focus, after all, is software development.

As mentioned earlier, the foundation is looking for open spaces where development teams can sit together and talk to each other while working on their next development cycle. Having open spaces will ensure that we can use our time more effectively, allowing us to be able to continuously communicate to each other.

As an additional bonus, there is an additional space available next door to these offices that could add an additional 200 m² (2150 sq. feet) to the space if we ever need it. The landlord told us that they did not expect this space to be rented out any time soon. If we decide that we need this extra space we will just be able to add an additional doorway and presto! We would have another 200 m² at our disposal.

How the tables turn

When talking to the landlord we also learned that the previous tenant of this property was a business called Cryptzone. What's funny is that this company offered content encryption, security solutions and data leak prevention to other businesses. Once the Unigrid network is fully deployed, services offered by these and similar companies become completely obsolete. This is because the Unigrid network already implements encryption, data leak prevention and security, not only on a storage level, but on a network communication level as well.

This is an interesting coincidence. The foundation is moving into a space where, the previously developed product, is made completely obsolete by our network. This just shows you how quickly the industry moves and how new solutions constantly invalidate and make the old ones obsolete.

What about the floor plan?

Of course, we have to show you the floor plan that we have decided upon. After discussing everything with the landlord we have come up with a floor plan that looks something like the picture below. Yes we know, it's all in Swedish! The horror!

The bottom floor of the property. The two rooms in green are conference rooms that we decided to keep. On the right you can see a big kitchen area with twin dishwashers, several microwaves and lots of room for kitchen equipment. This floor becomes the "common area" where employees can go downstairs to eat or just go for a snack. We will also have some recreational equipment on this floor and the room marked "Förråd / Server" will be used as a timeout room where people can go in and watch some TV or maybe just go in for a quick nap. This floor contains three toilets where one is equipped with a shower and a changing room.

While we are removing one room, the rest of the changes are kept to a minimum with mostly surface layer renovations and touch ups in order to freshen things up.

On the second (upper) floor, things will be very different. Here, we are knocking down most walls and creating a very open area for employees to work in. All the walls are being knocked down and will be replaced with glass walls:

This is the plan for the second (upper) floor. This floor will end up with three rooms at roughly 65-85 m² each. On the right you can see the raconteur booths described on the news page of the Unigrid web site, where developers will be encouraged to record and report on what they are currently working on. Apart from the open spaces, this floor is also equipped with two toilets.

Just as on the first floor, surface layer renovations and touch ups will also be made. With the walls being replaced with glass sections, the space will let in a lot of lighting and make the floor plan feel very big and open.

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