Comically wrapping up at The Nordic Innovation Fair

We cover our experiences from The Nordic Innovation Fair and talk about some recent events, including our upcoming comic book anthology - DECENTRALIZE.

Comically wrapping up at The Nordic Innovation Fair

I thought I would write a few sentences about The Nordic Innovation Fair and get you updated on recent events. Attending the fair was a lot of fun, with me and Evan joining the networking dinner the first night. We would like to thank Novo Nordisk Fonden, Innovation Fund Denmark and the other sponsors for sponsoring the event. The venue location was really good, with the fair being held in the middle of central Copenhagen.

The main venue of The Nordic Innovation Fair in Copenhagen at Industriens Hus.

We met a lot of interesting people, ate some very good food and had some really great conversations at the event. The different spinups and companies attending the event had a big focus on medtech, causing Unigrid and the other businesses that had a different focus to stick out - a very good thing in many ways.

Funny enough, at the networking dinner, we ended up at a table with the co-founder of a Robotics company called RiACT.

RiACT – Modular Robot Automation
Software for robots. Real-time development platform for creators and users of flexible robot applications.

The company is developing a standardized automation and development platform for robotic systems. While these systems mostly run locally, Unigrid could allow these programs to be executed from a remote location - if you have a network that never goes offline you can continuously pull updates and use the network as a central hub to store these programs. It could be used to help with deployment and distribution between different locations. It's definitely something we would love to explore with RiACT in the future, as we think its a fascinating use case for the network.

The main day of the event was very hectic with three of us attending a lot of meetings. We talked to many  potential partners and created many new contacts. The event was a buzzing with activity the whole day. To sum it up; a great experience!

Getting back to Gothenburg

Instead of going back straight to Cyprus, Evan came back to Gothenburg with me and Camilla, allowing us to spend a few days socializing and planning the next steps that the Unigrid network and the Unigrid project is taking. On the way up, we drove over the bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden (Öresundsbron) back across to Malmö on our way to Gothenburg.

The Öresund bridge or Öresund-connection is a 8 km long bridge and 4 km long tunnel connecting the mainland of Sweden to Denmark.

While we were at it we also did some sightseeing of Gothenburg, checking out some central locations and visiting Lindholmen, taking a look at the campus and science park there. We also did a beer run at the beer studio in Gothenburg, looking for interesting beers to try.

Adam and Evan scouring for beer.

A comical twist

After coming home from Denmark we also talked about different ways of promoting The Unigrid Foundation and the project. Some time during the conversation, we decided that we should have an Instagram account. However, we didn't really see the point of just posting random pictures and promotional material on the account. Instead, we wanted to do something more interesting - something that could actually draw an interest and a following.

As we have worked on this project we have had some really hilarious encounters and conversations, so we came up with the idea to create a comic anthology that we will post on Instagram. The anthology will follow the story of the project, the foundation and all the funny things we have experienced (and probably will still experience) along the way. At the same time, people will be able to buy a copy of these, with the foundation releasing 100 NFT's (Non-Fungible-Tokens) of each comic strip. These can then be minted by anybody. Because we want people to be able to get these, the minting price of the strips will be very low.

Use your smartphone and take a picture of the above code to follow us on Instagram!

The series will also release specials and characters as NFT's. Maybe you have always wanted to be able to own a hand-made drawing of Evan in a kilt? This series will allow you to do just that.

The new domain for the comic strip series has already been registered on www.decentralize.wft. On the site, you will later be able to print out your very own unique comic book with the issues of the strip that you own. We are also partnering up with a local print shop in order to allow us to also send out physical copies of that same comic book.

Here are our experiences from The Nordic #Innovation Fair! The visit there also spawned a very interesting 💡 idea! #NFT 🎨 #Unigrid #NFTs #conference #NFTdrop #NFTGiveaway #nonfungibletokens