Community Pulse: Derek Goddard

As a first post in a recurring series, our community manager Sohail interviews one of our early community members; Derek Goddard.

Community Pulse: Derek Goddard

It's time to take the pulse of the community. Sohail Aslam Rind interviews one of our early community members, Derek Goddard, taking his pulse. If you would like to be covered in this series or would like to spread your thoughts about Unigrid and a decentralized Internet, contact our community manager, Sohail.

Welcome to the interview, please tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Derek Goddard and I live in Toronto, Canada. I have a bachelor's degree in Business and have been working in the banking industry ever since. I'm passionate about spending time with family & friends, sports and playing Call of Duty Warzone.

How did you discover Unigrid?

I first discovered blockchain and all of the benefits it can provide to real world use cases back in 2017. Shortly after, I met Evan, who told me about a project he was starting, that would be the first of its kind. After explaining the project to me, I became very interested, jumped on board and became an early supporter.

Derek is owning that t-shirt, looking snazzy!

Why did you put your trust in Team Unigrid?

I've had the opportunity to meet the entire Unigrid team and I must say, building Unigrid to its fullest potential is their dream. They are not interested in other jobs... Unigrid is their passion! This is their life's work and they put all of their time and effort into it. It's hard to find a blockchain project that is fully invested like this, so I'm on board to see where Unigrid will take us.

Based on Unigrid's proposed solutions, what are you most interested in?

I like the idea of utilizing a network that is totally anonymous and that my privacy is protected. I'd also like to be able to store data on the network that is cheap, secure and will always be accessible. I recently received an email from Google for 2TB of cloud storage for $140/month - I'm hoping Unigrid is able to offer the same types of solutions as cloud providers today at a fraction of the cost!

What are your thoughts on the Unigrid Community?

The Unigrid Community continues to grow by attracting new members who are looking for an alternative from big corporations controlling the internet. The community is small, but once Unigrid delivers their prototype, the real magic will start to happen.

What are your thoughts on the progress made so far by the Unigrid Team?

I'm really impressed with the new versions of the wallet that were recently released. It's more stable to run than the previous dameon. I would have liked to have seen the tokens distributed to the purchasers from the first round already, so that they can utilize the network and stake their tokens, but that has not happened yet... I think it will happen shortly though.

If you could have one wish to have a problem solved by Team Unigrid in this Digital World, what would it be?

There are so many websites and apps that we utilize today and have to remember our usernames and password for each of them. I'd love a secure network like Unigrid that could save all of this information and make logging into each website or application seamlessly. I know there are password vault providers out there, but I don't trust any of them.

What are your thoughts on the current Bear Market or Crypto Winter with regards to Unigrid?

I bet it is difficult to raise funds at this current point in time where the cryptocurrency market is taking a bit of a pause. There may be some great projects out there with real use cases, but I bet its hard to get that first meeting unless someone can open a door for you. I have no doubt that Team Unigrid is working hard behind doors to make deals happen and do right by the community.

As a first post in a recurring series, our community manager Sohail interviews 🗣️ one of our early community members; Derek Goddard. #Interview 🗨️ #Community #Pulse 🧱 #Blockchain #Unigrid