Eureka! We have a new website!

We are proud to present our new website! This is now our new home on the Internet. Our hope is that it will give you a window into our vision and into the daily work at the foundation.

Eureka! We have a new website!

As you probably know, we have previously been using a very simple single-page design for our website. For historical reference, here are some pictures of the old site:

The old title page. It was clean and very simplistic.

While the above design was decent, we realized we needed a new image and a more flexible solution that would allow us to make changes more easily. We decided to base the new look of the website on the pitch deck and our current orange paper.

During the last two weeks we have been working hard, focusing on creating a new home on the Internet for the foundation. Our aim is to be able to better translate our vision to the community and our investors.

The new website uses a completely new theme built from scratch on top of the static website generator Hugo. Hugo will allow us to more rapidly update the website and add new content much quicker. It also gives us a much cleaner and more flexible solution than most website builders and older website content systems such as Wordpress (which is still very popular).

An animated hexagon background greets you as you visit the new website. These hexagons are representation of our future network and the constant work that will be done by the gridnodes.

We have also added new sections where everybody in the community will be able to better follow the work of the foundation and it's developers. Under our news page, we show recent posts from this blog and videos from our video feed. The page also collects user stories (tasks) from some hand-picked projects. Community members can view these user stories and even contribute issues to our new managament site from where these stories are being fetched.

Two projects showing some user stories pulled from our Taiga management site. You can visit the management site at

We have also added a section that holds some brief information and documentation for the project and The Unigrid Foundation. You can read our terms, our privacy policy, and even our foundation charter and statutes.

The new about section of the site containing all our documentation and some general information about the upcoming network.

You can visit the webiste at We hope you'll enjoy it and that you look forward to the upcoming milestones and development of the Unigrid network as much as we do!