Preparing for The Nordic Innovation Fair

The Unigrid Foundation is attending the Nordic Innovation Fair. We will be looking for potential investors, partners, research collaborators and projects that might benefit from the Unigrid solution and the resilience of the network.

Preparing for The Nordic Innovation Fair

As previously covered in a recent tweet, The Unigrid Foundation is attending the Nordic Innovation Fair in Copenhagen, Denmark. The fair takes place between Monday and Wednesday on September 20-22. The foundation will be looking for potential investors, partners, research collaborators and projects that might benefit from Unigrid as a solution and the resilience of the network.

Nordic Innovation Fair 2021
Nordic Innovation Fair 2021 brings together companies, investors, entrepreneurial researchers and university business developers.

As a community beneficial project, we are continously looking for impressive projects that could benefit from a backend and service that can never go offline or be disrupted. If your startup or project is impactful or adds something new to the benefit of society in general, or if it benefits the blockchain sphere in the nordic region, it might be eligible to receive free network shares on the Unigrid network in the future. The businesses, institutions and research projects we select for these partnership will also get the chance to steer development of the network and make suggestions. As the network is under development, we look for long-term partnership where we can adapt the network and target specific use cases specific to these partnerships.

The Nordic Innovation Fair is held in Copenhagen at Industriens Hus.

Meeting us at the fair

While we certainly have connections in academia, the Unigrid project isn't a direct academic spinout. Therefore, we are not directly presenting at the fair. However, we are bringing some printed material that we will be giving out and we will also be attending the networking dinner and the various scheduled events that might be of interest. If you are registered to the fair and want to meet us, please send us a message in the portal of the fair.

If you are not attending the fair but happen to be in Copenhagen between September 20-21 (Mon-Tue) and would like to connect, please send a mail to and schedule something - we will happily meet up at some other location in Copenhagen.

An extra thanks to Mera Profil & Reklam

As we have a very full schedule, we were originally unsure if we would actually be able to attend the innovation fair. Suffice it to say, we decided way too late that we needed printed material. Luckily, Mats at Mera Profil & Reklam stepped up and helped us get things organized and printed very quickly.

The printing shop made us some fair-specific business cards and promotional folders to hold some documentation. On the right, the printed version of the orange paper.
Mera Profil & Reklam AB
Välkommen till Mera Profil & Reklam. Vi är företaget som hjälper företag, organisationer och föreningar som vill synas mera. Välkommen att kontakta oss!

This is is a local printing business here in Gothenburg that has some excellent service. With COVID-19 making a number on the world, many local businesses have to cut down and are struggling, therefore it seems more important than ever to support them rather than relying on the big online giants.

Godspeed and see you at the fair!

We are in the midst of preparing for the 🏢 Nordic #Innovation Fair. Here's a quick rundown of what we will be looking 👀 for while we are there. #conference #seed #investement #partner #partnership #collaboration #startups