Presenting the Unigrid white paper

We finally present you with the first public draft version of the Unigrid white paper. Even though it is a continuous work in progress, it describes the implementation of the network, how it works and what makes it tick.

Presenting the Unigrid white paper

Up to this point we have kept our white paper under wraps to give investors and partners some time to work with the material. However, we now feel that it is time to share this with the community and everybody else.

How we got here

The initial idea for Unigrid was first envisioned in its current form some time in 2019. We later worked on a preliminary version of the white paper and released the preamble to the community for public viewing.

In 2020-2021 and during the madness of that prior year we have worked on expanding our connections and contacts within the blockchain industry, solidifying the data center and procuring hardware for future use. We have also released a RPC-based wallet dubbed Janus. This wallet is compatible with any cryptocurrency that supports the standard Bitcoin RPC or Ethereum API. Currently, it is being converted to a Java code base in the following repository.

GitHub - unigrid-project/janus-java: Modern cryptocurrency wallet powered by JavaFX and Weld (CDI).
Modern cryptocurrency wallet powered by JavaFX and Weld (CDI). - GitHub - unigrid-project/janus-java: Modern cryptocurrency wallet powered by JavaFX and Weld (CDI).

The paper - onward and forward

The Unigrid white paper describes the broad details of the implementation of Unigrid, the network and the anonymous communication protocol. Some of the topics covered in the white paper includes:

  • Address tree ledger
  • Anonymous Internet access via shard groups
  • Automatic updates
  • Domain registry
  • Dynamic collateral adjustment
  • Dynamic rewards and exhaustion
  • Gridnodes
  • Gridnode sporks and governance
  • Segmentation and striping with parity blocks (erasure)
  • Shard groups (collections of gridnodes)
  • Scoring and score deduction

Some of these topics will eventually be moved into separate papers covering each topic more thoroughly, including more implementation details as the network implementation proceeds.

Trouble viewing the white paper in the integrated PDF reader? You can 📃 download the white paper directly or via the GitHub project page, where you can also browse the release history of the white paper.

About us
Learn about the Unigrid Network, its history, what makes it special and how developing it under a Swedish foundation will safeguard its future.
The white paper is also downloadable from the about section of The Unigrid Foundation website.

If you have question about any of the implementation details covered in the white paper, please contact 📧 directly.

We present 🎁 the first public draft version of the 📃 #Unigrid #WhitePaper. The paper is the blueprint for the implementation of the network and 🌍 #Internet 2.0. 🌍 #Decentralization 👮 #CyberSecurity 💻 #CloudComputing