The Office Hunt Continues & Updated Orange Paper

This week we take a look at another property - smaller this time, but inside a very nice building. This post also brings you an update of the orange paper.

The Office Hunt Continues & Updated Orange Paper

I hope everybody is doing well.

This week involved us looking  at an additional property in Gårda. A fairly nice office space at around 200 m², which equals just above 2000 sq ft.

While the space itself was very nice, there is a slight concern that the amount of room is not going to be enough and that the foundation will outgrow it quickly. However, the landlord did inform us that additional spaces would be opening up in the same building and the adjacent building that they own - and these were roughly twice the size.

We are also planning to meet up with the landlord of the offices that we looked at last week and go through the details and the exact changes we are looking for in order to take that property. The price they got back to us with so far is within acceptable margins, so we might very well go with that space.

The entrance of the building. If this ends u p being the property we take, this is where the Unigrid developers will enter every morning.

The good thing in Gårda is, that because of the fact that City Gate and Kineum are both being built, it is a buyers market at the moment, with a lot of alternatives and empty office spaces.

Looking down from the entrance to the office space.
From inside the property. Small but modern.

Considering the situation on the commercial properties market, there is definitely no need to rush the decision. We can take it slowly and make sure we get a property that best fits our needs and will function as a home for the foundation for many years to come.

Updated Orange Paper

On another note, we have also updated the orange paper with some additional information on the sales round, clarifying how the community of early token holders will be able to partake in the upcoming rounds.

We also updated the visuals slightly and fixed some grammar and spelling mistakes. You can check out the new version of the orange paper here or via the about page of the website.

We will have more news to report next week. In the meantime, have a nice weekend.