The Hunt for Offices

Come with us when we go office hunting in Gothenburg. We show you some pictures and discuss one of the potential properties for the foundation.

The Hunt for Offices

Welcome to a very different post. A few weeks ago me and Camilla had scheduled a number of viewings with landlords in order to find a few potential office buildings in or near Gårda in Gothenburg.

You may wonder - why Gårda, Gothenburg? Answer - this is where our data center is located and we want to have quick and easy access to the servers and the network connection at the facility.

After contacting a few landlords and viewing a few prospective locations, one in particular caught our eye. While we were there, we also took a few pictures of the property so we could show the community what we were up to.

Big common area with kitchen. The section with the fold-out door would be knocked down in order to create a more open space.

The property is actually roughly 440 m² in size which equates to nearly 5000 sq ft. This should give us ample room to make room for a substantial workforce of developers - something the foundation is obviously going to need in order to be able to bring the network into reality.

The office space has two floors. The bottom floor holds the conference rooms and the common area, while the ordinary offices are on the second floor.

As we want open spaces with very few walls - we have asked to make some changes. Currently, we are waiting for the landlord to get back to us with an initial proposal and cost estimate. If we get a good deal back from the landlord this property might very well become the future headquarters of The Unigrid Foundation.

A view from the second floor, looking in both directions of the L-shaped corridor.
One of the many office rooms. We have asked the landlord to knock down most of these walls in order to make the space more open.

While we wait we will also be looking at some additional properties in Gårda. We promise to keep you updated on how this develops.

Thanks for listening. We hope you are as excited as we are to finally move forward and make this network a reality!