The Unigrid Foundation is looking for developers

Do you know a blockchain developer that loves to solve challenging and complex problems? The Unigrid Foundation is looking for developers that want to be part of our movement - delivering the next Internet revolution.

The Unigrid Foundation is looking for developers

The Unigrid Foundation is looking for developers to help develop the next natural step in the evolution of the Internet.

Internet 2.0, as we like to call it, will deliver a completely load balanced and anonymous network resistant to eavesdropping, outages and domestic firewalls. Unigrid completely replaces traditional cloud service providers, backup solutions and VPN service providers and makes these services obsolete - creating a truly decentralized and democratic network.

Why Unigrid is a market disruptor
We discuss why Unigrid is a major market disruptor and how it can change the current landscape of cloud service providers on the Internet.

The foundation is currently raising funds and setting up a development office in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are looking for senior developers with blockchain experience. Unigrid is a long-term project that entered the planning stages about two years ago. The network currently has an active, rudimentary chain, based on PIVX, that will be transitioned into a completely custom code base as development proceeds.

The profile we are looking for

  • You are a passionate blockchain developer and a cypherpunk with a background in computer science, with at least three years of university studies. You have extensive knowledge of database implementations, erasure and RAID/striping implementations, programming language development and compiler construction.
  • You have a firm understanding of socket development and in-depth knowledge about TCP/IP and it's implementation on the protocol level.
  • You have extensive experience of C++ and Java development and have a firm grasp on enterprise frameworks such as Java/Jakarta EE or
  • Above all, you love to challenge yourself mentally and love solving problems that nobody else has ever solved.
  • Having experience with Java-based front-end development based on Java Server Faces and rich component libraries such as PrimeFaces is big plus.

For anyone that would like to probe deeper, a technical white paper is available for review under NDA. Prospective hires are also encouraged to read the orange paper that describes the network and project on a slightly less technical level. Get in touch with or join our discord or telegram servers and send us a message to get in touch with us.

You can find additional information about the network and what the foundation can offer on our website.

The Unigrid Foundation is hiring #blockchain #developers. Do you have what it takes?