Unigrid Janus Wallet Update & AIBC

We are happy to announce a new version of the wallet featuring auto-updates. We also give you a quick report on our recent visit to AIBC Balkans.

Unigrid Janus Wallet Update & AIBC

We're happy to announce that the Unigrid Janus wallet now has auto-updates! The latest version 1.0.6 can be downloaded from Github or directly from our wallet section on the webpage. Once this wallet is installed, it will notify you while running of a new update, or update on startup. This will ensure everyone is on the same wallet version as we anticipate bi-weekly updates.

Release 1.0.6 Unigrid wallet · unigrid-project/janus-java
What’s Changed Eg docs by @dekm in #79Eg hideemptybalance by @dekm in #80Eg transaction link by @dekm in #81Ms autoupdate by @dekm in #84Eg releasedocs by @dekm in #85Fix resize issues and ch...


Once downloaded, you will need to close the old wallet if it is currently running. The update does not interfere with your current wallet.dat and private keys. We recommend backing up your wallet.dat often and keeping your private keys. Please see this article on the docs page on how to do this.

After downloading the new wallet just run the installer to update. On OSX you will need to drag the Unigrid app into Applications.

After the installation process, start the Unigrid application, and you will see it now checks for the latest versions and downloads accordingly. If you run into any issues, please post them on the GitHub page.

Issues · unigrid-project/janus-java
Modern cryptocurrency wallet powered by JavaFX and Weld (CDI). - Issues · unigrid-project/janus-java

AIBC Balkans

During end of August, Unigrid visited AIBC Balkans. As usual, AIBC/SIGMA put on one hell of an event, starting off with a great award dinner the night before the main show.

The award dinner featured some great networking with several awards given out to projects for their accomplishments during the year, with Unigrid taking home the award of "Best Blockchain Solution of The Year 2022".

At the event itself, Adam held a keynote speech and pitched Unigrid. We will share the recordings of these presentations when AIBC makes them available. We also got to know a lot of new people and meet up with our partners from Remote Star and Silver Bell Group.

It was a great event and we hope it will be organized in Belgrade next year as well! Domestically, at the moment, Belgrade certainly is no hotspot for blockchain or cryptocurrency firms, but we hope that with this years event as a foundation, next year will attract more blockchain and cryptocurrency related projects.

We would like to thank AIBC/SIGMA and congratulate them for pulling off yet another great event. They are currently one of the very best (if not the best) organizer of blockchain and cryptocurrency events in the world and it is a pleasure to be working with them.

New blog post covering the newest release of our wallet! We also give you a quick report from AIBC. #Blockchain #Conference #Event 📢 #Unigrid #Blockchain 🧱 #BlockchainProject