Unigrid Returns from Dubai

Read about the aftermath from our trip and the two hectic weeks we spent in Dubai. We also cover the outcome and experiences from the two crypto events we sponsored.

Unigrid Returns from Dubai

As the dust settled from our fruitful trip to Dubai, the process of understanding the entire experience got underway. From a different culture, new relationships and valuable insights - Unigrid's seeds sprouted with a vibrant focus on the future. From Europe to America, the core team arrived on different days, with investors flying in sprinkled throughout.  Some of us met in person for the first time, allowing us to get to know each other in a way that only close contact allows.

In an effort to save some money, we avoided the high-priced extravagant hotels and stayed in Bur Dubai, a district outside of the main city. This allowed us to spend more money on forging relationship with new contacts and building the business. This district is also closer to the festival area where the conferences were held.

Our booth at both events. Clean, simple and elegant - featuring those Unigrid colours.

As soon as we arrived in Dubai - hard work began. Our first stop was the Crypto Expo conference. Held at Festival Arena in Festival City, Crypto Expo is a big event with a variety of projects, speakers, and discussion panels spread out over two eventful days. At the end, the conference is topped off with and an award ceremony. As sponsors of the event, we received a well-designed, impressive booth, including a spot to speak on a panel, and a keynote speech position. Throughout the two days of the conference, it would become obvious to us that we were one of the more popular and intriguing projects on the floor. The overwhelming number of people the four of us pitched to, left our throats sore and mouths dry. Our printed white papers and orange papers flew off the shelves. The team's confidence and number of contacts grew, something that would set the tone for the rest of the stay.

Evan Green, one of the Unigrid founders, spoke to a large crowd about why Unigrid was being built and how we intend to solve the centralized problems the current Internet suffers from. Craig Wilson, who does a little bit of everything for the team other than development, spoke on a panel about the metaverse. Both went very well, with people coming to our booth to speak with us individually.

Our co-founder, Evan Green, speaking at the main stage at Crypto Expo.

At the end of the event, Unigrid received the award for "Best Blockchain Solution of the Year". After just a few short months of building momentum, we were recognized in the business with a celebratory win. We came out of Crypto Expo bonded and confident.

Some of our top supporters from Germany and Ireland flew in from their respective countries in order to meet the team face to face. We all went out to dinner and got to know each other. The chemistry between us mixed well. All six of us discussed the business and got to know each other in a deeper way - something only face-to-face meetings can accomplish.

Then it was time for AIBC Summit, in which our supporters would join us. This conference was held in the same location. More white papers, orange papers and brochures needed to be printed to help keep our momentum going - forcing us to scramble in order to quickly find somebody that could print the material for us.

A group photo from the Unigrid investor dinner at AIBC Summit. Can you spot who is who?

At AIBC we had a large presence. The same high-quality booth was moved a bit closer to the gaming stage, which was snuggled next to the main investor lounge. We spoke five different times and had multiple, sponsored after-parties. AIBC Summit's paid attendees were smaller but proved to attract more veteran crypto attendees as compared to Crypto Expo. During the event, we met plenty of people, including possible investors, business partners and advisors.

Making new friends and forging partners

As a result of our trip to Dubai, the Unigrid project made several new friends and forged a number of business partnerships. These partnerships will help the project move forward, teaming up long-term - helping us grow and develop.

More information will be revealed about these partnerships as we have more details to tell you.

Wrapping up the trip

After a slew of VIP parties, dinners, and events we continued to get even more interest. The stack of business cards from companies, individuals, and investors grew in number and importance.

Near the end of our trip we organized a yacht trip where we gathered some of our new contacts. We had a good turnout and got to continue building our relationships. As the two weeks came to an end, it was clear to us that, despite being very hectic and exhausting, the trip to Dubai was definitely worth the effort. Unigrid's white paper stuck out amongst the CTOs that read it, with a few even claiming it to be "the best white paper since Ethereum". The core team was able to bond deeper, begin relationships that will fuel our future, and seal the base of this life-changing technology.

We have finally ✈️ landed, mentally, after our trip to Dubai. Read more about it and the #crypto #events we #sponsored on our 📰 blog! #CryptoExpo #AIBCSummit #exhibition #blockchain #web3 #Dubai